Tuesday, September 25, 2007

30 days of nights.. sleepless nights....

Gosh... i haven't been updating my blog for a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... what a joke? i got myself a blog i hardly blog.... partly because i'm a busy man... hahahaha... busy being busybody.. lol.. Definitely is not that la... Assignments and loads of them coming on the way... And sometimes i dont really feel at peace right now... really need to pray about that. Anyways, i came across of number of articles in the newspaper that i wanna post which really i think its worth sharing and giving thoughts about it. Another thing i came across the newspaper was about the poor little girl name Nurin who was abducted by the kidnapper and murdered the child. Eventually, i wasnt feeling disgust on the killer but the bystanders, people who take advantage of the case. There were cases of hate mail which really dissapoints me though saying that the child's parents were irresponsible quoting, "You only know how to make babies but never know how to take care of them,". It's unbelievable sometimes our society is just as ugly and dirty as the killer i feel. Sure, maybe they left the child on their own but who is to judge? If we were to judge their actions which is true? Aren't we calling ourselves gods? Is our society thinking we are that smart? What if the parents of the child were their jewel and really gave the attention that the child yet in the end because of they are blame for such crimes? Whatever they have done or not done wrong, we cannot judge. What do you think about it? Do you think it's fair?

Once again, to those who visit the blog, thank you so much for dropping by just to have a look and keep tuning in... will definitely post some stuff and videos for your entertainment pleasure... Cheers!

The British Seagulls... They're Freakin HUGE!

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