Monday, September 3, 2007

Video of the Week: Thai (Healthy) Commercials | Couz Camp "Move": Everest-ed and the 5 Mountains Part 1

Today I thought i share two things at one go (with a little part 2 on the way which is photos..). So, here's the video of the week for this week... Its a Thai commercial add that we can say... It's Good, wholesome and... healthy... Check it out.. Real wholesome laughter...

Now... On with what I experience... Last thursday, I "bertolak" to Bukit Tinggi for the long awaited college zone church camp, Move:Reach The Goal. And just so happens it falls on Merdeka Eve (Eve of Independence Day of Malaysia). All campers were grouped at the cafeteria for briefing, getting to know one another and praying as well. So they are 6 groups in this camp with names like Everest, Kilimanjaro, Chimborazo, Manau Lao, Ararat and Fuji. Most fellowsheepians were disperse in to different groups.. So i ended up with Phillip in the Everest group. We had Belinda as team leader and Kenny(James Chew's bro) as second in command... hahaha... Then i met a number of people that i know and some i dont noe... like Joanne who i knew from school and my junior; Yun-Ni, Phoebe, Vincent(the heart of the group), Jessica, Pei Ling, Hillary and so happens, Ian from my old MC2 cellmate. So we came up a cheer which was good but still prelimnary so we werent hyped yet... but that story would have to wait... So we left on the bus for a 1 and a half\2 hours journey to Bukit Tinggi not far from Genting Highlands. There wasnt enough space to get into the bus so me, pei ling, Sucram(Marcus) and Ian got into Kevin's 4 wheeler!!! We were on our way to camp (yet we did make a stop for dunkin doughnuts). It was kinda of a long drive and we then arrived into a road where we traveled up the steep road; a road that was heading towards somewhere where its just gravels and grass.... but just as we pass into a terrain.. we were at our destination... its a small place but when we entered this place... it was a peaceful setting with a pool and dorms and a small little hall.... it was nice.... not because of what i mention... but also the view from above which made me wanna get up early in the morning and use my four senses to experience the beautiful scenery. Well... we packed our things to our respective dorms and we had our welcome session... Right after dinner was praise and worship and we had a good worship and that night, Ps. Lee Choo to share about the message which was part of the camp... Then we had merdeka party which we prayed and celebrated our independence on the night itself.... well... I would have told you the whole thing by now but the thing is im just filling in stuff so that i can receive the pictures taken from Jon.... but its a lot... so PART 2 will continue soon..... Cheers!


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